Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ramblings of a mind trying hard to concentrate on important things of forced interest

Hi everyone! This is Dewdrop.

You must all be surprised to see this entry bcoz I never wrote anything for a long time. To be honest, I have viewed this site very rarely, and I have no better excuse to give than the lame - "I was too busy with work, u see!"
Well, better late than never to become a blogger if not for anything else, for sorting out my mind.

Anyway, now that I am in a writing mood, (and have resolved to write regularly, God help u all! ;-) , I will come to the point directly.

I was recently browsing the profiles in this blog-site along with a friend, & he asked me whether I was listed. I said - "Of yes! I am listed as dewdrop."
"Why dewdrop?" - he asked.
I said, "U see, at that point of time, I was getting ready for a major change, I was in a transient, temporary phase, much like a dewdrop."
"Oh!", he said, nodding his head. I guess he understood, being my closest friend.

But later that night, trying hard to study for an exceedingly boring professional course that I had enrolled myself into, I felt my mind drifting away to answer such lazy, pleasant & totally useless questions such as :- "Why did I really list myself as Dewdrop in that site?"

"The reason I gave to my friend must not be the correct one!" - I mused.
"Actually, dewdrop brings to my mind a sense of freshness & vivacity, much like the Liril ad. And memories of my childhood days in the small hilly township, where I used to collect shiuli flowers from under the short, fully-flower-laden shiuli bush. The ground and the grass and the bush itself used to be covered with dewdrops, & I loved to see them & marvel at how tiny and fragile these were, clinging to the corners of the leaves and giving off that fresh, fresh feeling..."

Ah! Childhood memories! How revered and innocent and pure! How I wish...
But isn't it ironic? This perpetual longing of mankind to be what they cannot be at present!
I remember the zeal with which I wished in my childhood to become an adult, to get "freedom".
And alas! Now that I am an adult, far from the illusory freedom, I find myself getting more tightly bound in duties & responsibilities than ever before, I crave for my childhood days and those seem to be the free days, after all!

Anyway, back to the present. And to the current predicament regarding the name "Dewdrop".
As I think more critically, I get the feeling that the name does not seem right, after all.
Does not it imply a transient, temporary & weak personality? A dewdrop just stays for a short time, drying up quickly under the bright sun, & leaving no impact at all on the world!
"So should I consider changing this name?" - I muse.

"Oh, C'mon! Stop your idle thinking & time-passing, better go off to bed instead, if u can't concentrate on studying!" - I severely reprimand myself.
Coz after all, what's in a name? If I were named Queen Victoria, would I become a queen? With the same logic applied in reverse, I propose to be solidly around for quite some time, though I have named myself as Dewdrop!

Adieu for now, though. Must not tire myself out & squeeze out all the literary juice the first day itself! Peace be with u all!

1 comment:

Oirpus said...

Oh please do keep it safe for the later... we would very much like to read some refreshing new posts...