Friday, October 21, 2005


our blog spot absolutely rocks. today is the first time i got to get a look at it...!!
I would like to share something funny which happened just now. You see right now there's a very pretty looking 7 year old girl sitting with me and watching me type. and just when i typed my first sentence , she complained about my lack of knowledge of punctuations. She asked me "why have'nt you typed the 't' of 'today' in capital letters ...since it is after a full stop..".well!! i must say the generation z is quite smart!! :-)).
As it is ,I am going bonkers , answering her questions...In the last one hour I have told her everything from internet chatting to blogging.....Infact she was quite thrilled about me and my friend having a conversation through 2 computers.(Though I am sure she is not really convinced,specially after being told that my friend is in delhi!!).

Indranilda(proper nouns in capital letters(before i get a second scolding)),am looking forward to the next episode of your blog..when will Mr. Abhi wake up??

byee everyone and keep smiling ,while I struggle to satisfy the inquisitiveness of a seven year old!

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